Tips to cure acne

Treat acne is effective and economical in the long term, when done naturally and holistically. Cure acne naturally from the inside with a broom and a lifestyle practice are much more effective than simply trying to cure acne overnight with topical treatments. Acne in adults is also possible internal curing with this approach - not only for teenagers.
Cure acne naturally drawn to multiple organ systems in the body that contribute to it. First understand how acne occurs if you can treat the underlying cause. Holistic acne cure involves the use of a multi-pronged strategy to resolve the internal imbalance.
Cure acne requires full support for the large intestine (colon), kidneys, lungs and skin are the removal of organs that get rid of waste and toxins. If one or more of the internal organs do not function optimally, so that an internal imbalance of other entities to try to compensate, both to treat acne from the inside out is key. As a result, skin problems like acne, eczema, psoriasis often the body's way to try to balance themselves when the internal organs is unbalanced. Therefore, treat acne internally is the key.
Acne treatment must address the following issues:
1)    The digestive system
Constipation that prevents the elimination of toxins and recycling of the "bad estrogen" implicated in endocrine acne. The antibiotics destroy the "good bacteria" such as Lactobacillus in the gut. These microbes are necessary for intestinal health and, indirectly, the first immune system (which helps prevent autoimmunity among other things). Candida overgrowth in the gut may be dangerous to the immune system, which is often caused by antibiotics killing the good bacteria. Treat acne internally is to improve the health of the digestive system.
2)     Nutrition
Poor nutritional health because of a highly processed diet (detoxification organs need different types of vitamins and minerals to function optimally). Food allergies such as milk, fat, saturated sugars, caffeine, aspartame, red meat, soy, wheat, etc., which may cause "leaky gut" be able to also cause autoimmunity and apathy. A diet high glycolic index (refined carbohydrates like white bread, cakes, and pastries) negatively affects the immune system by increasing inflammation, which is the underlying cause of acne. Cure acne naturally requires an acne treatment through diet.
3)     Hormones
The increase in sex hormones at puberty, excessive production of sebum that causes clogged pores is also one of the reasons for acne. Foods with high glycolic index cause a spike in the hormone insulin, which increases by a substance called sex hormone IGF-1 increases the processing that increase the secretion of sebum (oil) in the skin, resulting in leaks. The stress hormone cortisol leads to a cascade of events that occur in reducing the body's sensitivity to multiple hormones such as insulin and an increase in inflammation. Acne treatment requires a holistic to take into account the underlying hormones.

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