Acne and Its Treatment

Acne is the condition of skin, giving as an excuse Whitehead, blackheads, redness inflammatory lesions (blisters, the pustules and cysts) in the form of.Here he often called the increase of long accustomed to pleasure or zits.

Incidental causes, so much the doers of the

Acne small holes in the surface of the skin when the body is said to become he was detained.An open channel pore each follicle is said, that the hairs of the oil glands. Normally, the oil glands in the skin helps keep the light helps remove old skin cells. When the oil glands make too much to be done the pores of the dust moved it to her heavily loaded, and the multitude of bacteria.The blockade, it is said or come done plug.

The plug is White (Whitehead) or dark (acne).A mental with the oil of the matter within Bacteria can also spread to the cause and the circuit of an answer by inflammation.If the skin infection from on high can be observed with a firm broadens the form of pain of the cysts.

Acne usually is seen face and shoulders, but also in the midst of a body are made, the arms of the legs and buttocks. Acne is most common with young men in every age, however, to be made as a child. Three of Acne have four Thinking of something; can be the cause of hormonal changes with the oil of the stimulus of the production.And they, among the 30 old men, and 40 to them, even out of contraception cover.

Acne is said to run, families can be activated:

Hormonal Changes related to menstrual cycles of pregnancy, birth control pills or the accent
Fats, oil, medicaments, and the hair
Medications some (such as steroids, testosterone, phenytoin, and Estrogen)
The sweat of the degrees of damp or
However, this chocolate the crowd, and a nut, the cause of acne of food of others, not the study has confirmed the idea.


Desperate attempts to escape the skin crusting
the cysts
the pustules
Sallied out and around the red of the
Color Scarring
Prove Signs

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